We make it easy for students to create

Hack+ is an accessible nonprofit accelerator for student-led impacts. In other words: we're here to help students change the world.

Already a Hack+ member? Sign in →
Person sitting in a chair chilling in at their desk

We're a full-spectrum platform that enables students to launch startups, nonprofits, and events.


Accepting applications

Launch events, like hackathons or conferences, using our comprehensive platform. We'll provide legal backend, banking services, powerful equipment, and more.

Learn More →


Accepting applications

Want to have a positive impact on your community or the world around you? We'll help you launch a nonprofit by providing legal/financial infrastructure, banking, and 501c3 status.

Apply now →


Closed beta

Students like you are coming up with the next unicorn startup ideas. We're here to provide the resources, software, and guidance you need to grow a scalable business.

For students, by students.

Hack+ is a platform built by high school and college students. We've aggregated millions of dollars of resources and even developed entire web and mobile apps to help you launch your dream venture.

We know what it's like to be a student with a crazy idea—and we're here to help.


transacted for our student-run ventures to date

(as of Q4 2019)

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"Hack+ has been instrumental not only in making both of the LingHacks hackathons possible but also enabling us to expand into an international organization reaching hundreds of students.

When I initially came up with the idea of LingHacks, I had no clue where to start in terms of getting nonprofit status, handling legal paperwork, or raising and storing funds--Hack+ managed all of that seamlessly and made it possible for my team and me to focus on outreach and curriculum. They made it super easy to invoice sponsors, keep track of attendee registrations, and communicate with my team. My team and I are eternally grateful to Hack+ for getting us where we are today!"

Karina Halevy

Executive Director, LingHacks

Profile picture

"Garuda Hacks wouldn't have been possible without the Hack+ infrastructure that abstracted away the complexity of raising sponsorship and making vendor payments.

Garuda Hacks was organized at the very last moment with only 2.5 months left in our hands, and it wouldn't have been possible without the Hack+ infrastructure that abstracted away the complexity of raising sponsorship and making vendor payments. As a result, we were able to put more energy into logistics, marketing, and hacker experience, making Garuda Hacks Indonesia's largest hackathon, with 2500+ participants, and receiving the support of Indonesia's Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy."

Scott Moses Sunarto

Managing Director, Garuda Hacks

Profile picture

"Working with Hack+ last fall was an astoundingly rewarding decision.

Hack+ handled all the legal and financial duties, from liability waivers to accounting and even registration, allowing all of our HSHacks organizers to focus on creating the most optimal experience we possibly could for all of our hackers. Thank you Hack+!"

Eileen Yang

Lead Director, HSHacks

Person pointing at a whiteboard

Join the Hack+ community.

Students in our programs get access to more than just a platform. You'll find hundreds of other like-minded, entrepreneurial, and passionate mentors and students waiting to meet you and help your organization grow. Our network also includes the best corporate partners, hoping to help you launch the next big thing.


Free Google Workspace

Amazon Web Services

$5k in credits


Instant Atlas access, $20k in credits


Azure credits

Powered by industry-leading partners.

Our community brings the brightest young minds from leading institutions together with the world's most forward-thinking companies, creating a mutual partnership that's fostering a new generation of innovators.

Corporate partners include


Schools include

Calpoly SLO
Boston university

Get started in days.

  1. 1. Apply through our website

    Fill out the application on our website.

  2. 2. Fill out some simple paperwork

    Once accepted, fill out some basic paperwork so we can make things official.

  3. 3. Get resources and launch your ventures

    That's it! We'll hook you up with everything you need to build your company.

Two people working together on a computer screen
Person looking at tablet screen while pointing in the northeast direction

Launch your dream organization now.

  • 8549 Wilshire Blvd, Unit 3089
    Beverly Hills, CA 90211
  • +1 (415) 938-8088
    Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm

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©2024 Youth Leadership Incubator Inc dba Hack+. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public charity, with EIN 81-1543325.